Dual Language
Maplewood currently hosts a dual language classroom in grade levels KG - 5th.
The mission of the Austin ISD Dual Language Program is that students will develop a high academic and linguistic proficiency in two languages by participating in a rigorous academic program that enhances the development of bilingualism, biculturalism, and biliteracy so that students will graduate ready for college, career, and life in a globally competitive economy.
Please visit AISD’s Dual Language webpage for more information.
Creative Learning Initiative
Drama-based instructional methods are infused in lessons at every grade level.
No Place for Hate (NPfH)
The No Place for Hate® initiative provides educators and students with the resources to ensure that anti-bias and diversity education are an integral part of the school curriculum. NPfH helps to create and sustain inclusive school environments where all students feel valued and have the opportunity to succeed by promoting respect for individual difference while challenging bigotry and prejudice. For more information on our No Place for Hate involvement, please contact our school counselor, Ms. Kirk. (Also see NPfH under the “Clubs” tab.)
SEL - Social Emotional Learning
Social-emotional Learning helps foster important skills such as empathy, positive communication, conflict resolution, use of I-statements, and mindfulness.
Maplewood Gardens
Parent volunteers, in collaboration with teachers, staff, and students, maintain school gardens across our beautiful campus. Each classroom teacher has his/her own garden plot in which to learn. Some classes plant food, and others plant flowers and herbs. In years past, with parent support, Maplewood students created salad bowls in art class then filled them with veggies from our school gardens during an annual Harvest Lunch. Maplewood Garden Work Days occur monthly on the first Sunday from 9-12, and help keep our campus green and growing.
Maplewood Science Fair
Every year, students in K-5th grades hypothesize, experiment, collect and analyze data then report their results during our annual science fair in January. The top 12 projects advance to the Regional Science Fair hosted by Austin Energy.